Saturday, November 8, 2008

Student Leadership Development - New York

Images from the Association of College Unions International Region 2 (ACUI) Conference held at SUNY Oneonta College.

I had to honor of being the opening leadership development facilitator with 60 students leaders! From the opening (Get to Know Others) initiatives to the How do Leaders Communicate portion, Ending with team leadership and communication initiatives. We laughed and Learned.

Thank you Student Leaders!

Contact us to lead and present at your next Conference - Strengthen your team = retention of excellent staff, accomplish projects in less time, innovate and solve conflicts. All of this raises your team production and effectiveness.

- Michael Cardus serves as an Adventure Consultant for Create-Learning Team Building. Mike facilitates, trains, and speaks to groups in a variety of settings including Fortune 500 Companies, small business, universities and classrooms. Currently he lives in Buffalo NY, he travels to serve your groups needs - where and when your group desires.