Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Under Pressure: Develop leadership and team skills to work with pressure

Pressure Paradigm:
A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.


- Out of the box thinking
- Creative problem solving
- Delegation of tasks and time
- Decision making, Planning
- Effective resource allocation

This activity involves solving multiple problems during the course of your conference. These problems are not your only responsibility you have; you also must attend to your scheduled meetings and the demands of your work schedule while at the conference.

There is no specific time set aside for completing these tasks; you will need to solve them while balancing the other demands on your time.
This scenario is intended to mirror the multiple issues and problems that are encountered and managed during your busy days in the office.

In this activity scenario, Create-Learning Teambuilding will attempt to recreate the environment and issues faced within your organization. Essentially the “tasks” or problem solving activities relate back to your particular workplace and have a deadline for completion.
Following the completion deadline Create-Learning Teambuilding will debrief how the team organized to solve the problems, what strategies worked well and what processes prompted creative solutions, and how did the team manage the competing needs for the day(s).

Additionally Create-Learning Team Building will award prizes for teams in various areas.
Examples of awards may include; Most Creative Solutions; Best in Show; Highest Customer Satisfaction; etc… We will partner with your organization to customize the prizes and goals.

To facilitate your next conference

image- Thales

-Michael Cardus is the founder of Create-Learning-Team Building, an experiential based training and development consulting organization, as well as a blogger for TeamBuilding NY. Mike specializes in team development and leadership development consulting and training, creating team-building programs that retain talented staff members, increase production and effectiveness of your team. He lives in Buffalo, NY, and travels to you to serve your team-building and leadership training needs, wherever and whenever fits your schedule.