Monday, January 18, 2010

Team Leadership Program – Case Study


Team Leadership Program

Team Leadership Program Situation Summary:Team Leadership Development Buffalo NY

Create-Learning was contracted to develop a Leadership and Social Development programs for 15 people at the director and manager level of a retail operation.

The average age of the participants was 36, the average experience in the retail field is 10 years.

The leaders would benefit from experiential programming to enhance teamwork and effective membership within a team.

With a focal point on leadership based context of social & emotional intelligence, for internal teams (staff members, direct reports, supervisors) as well as external customers (customers, vendors, suppliers, etc…)

The Retail Directors & Managers are all driven, focused and intelligent.

When you have driven individuals the focus on the team and purpose of the project can be lost.

Once the purpose of the project is lost the learning and overall productivity of the individuals decrease.

The directors and managers are in need of skills, tools, and techniques to be high functioning team leaders as well as the emotional intelligences to effectively lead as a team member and function as a member of the leadership team.

High Functioning defined as - all individuals are committed in words and actions to the teams; Purpose, Decision Making, Expectations, Resources and Process.

Objectives for Team Leadership Program:

· Increasing leadership skills

· Directors & Managers to have a common language of Team-Membership and leadership

· Completion and report of a Leadership Project

· Develop skill sets in

  • Effective behaviors of Team-Membership
  • How to develop teams and team goals
  • Ability to properly implement process and people leadership
  • Tools for the measurement of team effectiveness
  • When, How to, and why to use tools for the measurement of team effectiveness
  • Effective development and placement of people on High Functioning Teams
  • For leaders to reflect upon their own behaviors and learn to adjust accordingly depending on the team that they are asked to lead and be a part of.

Value of Team Leadership Program:

· Trusted leaders

· Increased effectiveness of work teams

· Increased ability to leverage available time and team members’ time

· Increased retention of team members

· Utilization and maximization of resources and staffing.

Team Leadership Program Methodology:

Create-Learning facilitated 40 hours of programming (Utilized over a 6-month period)

Within these programs the leaders were engaged in experiential, content based programming.

The content covered;

  • Team-Membership - Individual, Social and Team accountabilities of team members
  • Leadership - Based upon the 6 Primal Leadership styles. Participants gained tools in what the styles are, when each style is most effective, how to spot other peoples style and how to fill the gaps in the styles.
  • Transference - guided hands-on application and relevance of Team and Leadership theory. Empowering the leaders to find applicable uses for the Team-Membership and Leadership styles.

Create-Learning used experiential learning simulations with small group content delivery to ensure lasting learning from the programs.

Additionally each of the 15 leaders had to propose, design, develop and institute a leadership project within their existing team. The projects guidelines were as follows;

  • Must utilize existing resources (no extra money and / or staff, etc…)
  • Must include staff (delegation, goal setting, decision making, problem solving, coaching)
  • Must be in-line with organizations mission, values, and culture
  • Must be measureable


  • The leadership team was able to reduce overtime, increase the average sale to the customer and increase the average sales commission of team members. This was accomplished by the leadership team examining its existing processes and re-organizing the process to return maximum results.
  • Employee satisfaction (results gathered from employee surveys) increased, showing that leadership was better at developing strengths and creating challenging yet achievable goals for teams and team members.
  • The leaders were able to create a system for employees to fill in shifts at other locations. This system enabled the organization to maximize employee and leadership time as well as lessen burn out and stress amongst team members.


All Leadership programs are customized and developed for your unique organization.

Contact us to discuss and create a customized Leadership Program for your team!

-Michael Cardus is the founder of Create-Learning-Team Building, an experiential based training and development consulting organization. Mike specializes in team development and leadership development consulting and training, creating team-building programs that retain talented staff members, increase production and effectiveness of your team. He lives in Buffalo, NY, and travels to you to serve your team-building and leadership training needs, wherever and whenever fits your schedule.