Monday, February 1, 2010

Hard Skills Depend Upon Soft Skills

Team Building & Leadership Buffalo NY

I was consulting / facilitating with a large utility company in New York, we were focusing on adapting Kouzes & Posner’s The Leadership Challenge to complement their existing leadership development program.

The above image is of an activity I call “Hard Edge and Soft Middles”, I led this initiative as a table top simulation to connect the content piece of how our communication, emotional intelligence, delegation, empathy and other skills are the foundations of process effectiveness. The leaders (until the point of our de-brief) were having a challenging time transferring the idea of the “Leadership Challenge” and facilitative leadership style vs. a command and control style that was being used too heavily within the teams.

The discussion following was in-line with the need to determine relevancy of the companies work, great examples and techniques to Enable others to act and how to Encourage the Heart of the leaders and those on the teams.

How do you deliver content that enables people to transfer a “soft skill” (people skill) into a “hard skill” (process skill)?

What steps can be used to connect the pieces?


Michael Cardus