Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Paradigm Shift - Which map are you working with?

*New Record time for Change up Autistic Services
Teams reach a level of success and think if we just do this faster, better cheaper we will continue to progress. The reality is that the team will only get to a certain point - I call it the "Plateau". Following the Plateau comes the - "Crash" - the crash occurs when the team loses sight of what brought them there in the first place and lose all the steps that brought them to the plateau.

Many organizations become complacent, for some time, with the current way of doing processes. This however creates a folkloric belief within the organization - we can't do that, we have always done it this way, no new ideas ever get instituted. This folklore is the badge of death for new team members - especially Gen Y.

The team is operating from an old paradigm (an organizational map). Many of these maps were created during the industrial revolution. This map is static and worked when the system was created.
Teams need to change the map and develop their own paradigm shift! When a team reaches and creates a new way of doing things the faster, better, cheaper is destroyed! That is when team creates innovation and breakthroughs take place.

Within team building programs teams test new ideas and existing paradigms are destroyed! If and when the team building activity is not a success this is an opportunity to fail - while you process (de-brief) the teams ideas. Groups are able to analyze where they took a wrong turn on this map.
Tear up the old map and allow ideas to be heard - develop a culture of acceptance and trust. This will take your organization to new heights. If your organization does not want to be listed on this new map - your team can start their own revolution. Nothing causes paradigm shifts as fast as success!

- Michael Cardus serves as an Adventure Consultant for Create-Learning Team Building. Mike facilitates, trains, and speaks to groups in a variety of settings including Fortune 500 Companies, small business, universities and classrooms. Currently he lives in Buffalo NY, he travels to serve your groups needs - where and when your group desires.