Sunday, March 1, 2009

Orientation Program: Leadership & TeamBuilding for incoming or outgoing students

This orientation program can be customized for Incoming Students and Outgoing students alike.
Additionally this orientation program is customizable for all educational institutions - Universities, Colleges, High School, Middle School, etc...

Program Overview:
This student orientation program is a full day (4 - 6 hour) student orientation program.
The program includes a portable ropes course & TeamBuilding initiatives to increase the community bond, pro-social behavior and retention rate of the students.

Program Objectives:
The objectives for this project include;
· Increasing pro-social skills amongst the students
· Allow for students to create new friendships
· Strengthen community of school (college, university, classroom, etc…)
· Facilitate the students to gain a feeling of belonging and happy shared memories to begin (end) their education (college, university, classroom etc...) careers
· Begin to foster thought about making a successful transition to the scholastic career (within college, university, classroom etc...)

Program Measurement(s):
Our metrics will include;
· Feedback from students, faculty, and staff.
· Follow up interviews and evaluations with faculty and staff

Value to Educational Institution:
The value to your educational institution will include;
· New skills in problem solving
· Greater team work between students
· Strengthened bond between students
· Strengthened bond between faculty and students
· Increased levels of comfort
· Starting the incoming students educational career in a positive mindset

Program Methodology:
Students Facilitate Team Building Experience
Create-Learning facilitators serve as lead facilitators.
Create-Learning Team Building will train students enrolled in your academic institution to lead and facilitate the day’s team building experience.
This training will take place prior to the student program.
This will serve as a beneficial bonding and getting to know you for the students and the students already enrolled in the school.
This training will serve as Leadership Development Training for the students who will facilitate the TeamBuilding activities.
Create-Learning will be on-site coordinating, co-facilitating, and leading all large group programming.

Students’ Team Building Day - lasting 4 - 6 hours
The students will be engaged in a fully learner centered program. All programs will be interactive and the students will be moving, Critically-Thinking and learning the entire time.
The students will be involved in large group team building as well as small group team building.
The groups can be customized to fit your educational outcomes and goals. For example we can mix the students to be in new groups with every team building initiative, or the students can be placed in set groups that are together the entire team building program.
Additionally we will end the day in the creation of a large educational community puzzle. Where each student and faculty member will add their personal piece of the puzzle into the community puzzle. This puzzle is a massive remembrance of the students’ time together that the school can display and keep.

To facilitate your incoming and outgoing
Student Orientation Program

-Michael Cardus is the founder of Create-Learning-Team Building, an experiential based training and development consulting organization, as well as a blogger for TeamBuilding NY. Mike specializes in team development and leadership development consulting and training, creating team-building programs that retain talented staff members, increase production and effectiveness of your team. He lives in Buffalo, NY, and travels to you to serve your team-building and leadership training needs, wherever and whenever fits your schedule.